IDEA Webinar May, 30th
you are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: May 30, 2020 07:00 PM Perth Topic: IDEA Webinar 1 May 30 2020 Register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Warum wir uns nicht mehr versammeln ….
Liebe Leute in den IDEA Associations, liebe Theatermenschen, liebe IDEA Freundinnen und Freunde! Früher haben wir Einladungen zu unseren Aufführungen versendet – heute müssen wir die Proben zu unseren Produktionen für 2020 absagen! Früher haben wir gemeinsam an den Stücken gebastelt, über das Bühnenbild diskutiert und uns geärgert, wenn nicht alle ihre Texte gelernt hatten …. Read More
Theatre in the Times of COVID-19
… from our members & friends. – Digitalisation can be a good chance even for theatre in these hard times.
EUROPE Meeting 2020
23. – 25. Oktober 2020 IDEA Austria applied to host the Europe Meeting and Vienna was chosen by the majority of the IDEA partner countries. Now the current situation does not make it easy for us. Nobody can say whether it will be possible to travel internationally again in October. Even if it is allowed, …. Read More
Our friends from IDEA WORLD inform about necessities … But IDEA is talking about other ways of getting in contact to you! More to come soon! Stay tuned!
Wir legen viel Wert auf Vernetzung und österreichweiten Austausch. Das geschieht quasi „nebenbei“ – Anfang Februar zum Beispiel reiste Ursula nach Vorarlberg und hielt dort mehrere Workshops mit Schülerinnen und Schülern ab.
What a pleasure …
… to get published! Just a quick information from one of our supporting partners!
European Theatre Activities – first months of 2020
There are a lot of activities you should know about. We have to thank Joke E. for her good work around those activities. If you want to participate in a festival, please call us for details. INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR THEATRE ACTIVITIES 2020 28 February – 1 March, Kiev, Ukraine: 3rd PRO – ACT Festival, all performances …. Read More