Meet us Online – Conference 2021

Von 26.-31.März 2021 findet wieder eine IDEA AUSTRIA Drama / Theatre in Education Conference statt. Kooperationspartner sind BMBWF & NCoC für Kulturelle Bildung & ÖBV Theater & AITA.

IDEA INTERNATIONAL Vice President Sonya Baer begrüßt die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Conference 2019

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldemöglichkeiten ab Anfang August.

33 Replies to “Meet us Online – Conference 2021”

  1. Dear Austria Team, we have made a review at the best events in the last months. The Conference 2021 war awesome and fruitful; I really enjoyed – together with my colleague Richard M.; we really hope your company will go for another event in the next year. Regards, Char.

  2. Möchte Danken führ informations über die Arbeit von euren Mitarbeiters. Es gelingt mir eine nächste Jahr teilnehmen.
    Bitte, einen newsletter. Allen Danke. Ekateryna

  3. Informative blog post.
    Never have heard about that Conference, but I will go for it!
    Much thanks again. Mavie Stella 🙂

    1. Dear Jill, thanks for coming back! Application hopefully will start in August.
      Then we will have more information about the program.
      We hope to meet somewhere – maybe in Styria!
      IDEA AUSTRIA – Team

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