We are interested in what you are doing in the field of Drama in Education. If you have something to present please get in contact with us.

Give us information about your research & your projects!

Tell us about your practical experience & best pratice!

Meet us in Retz, Lower Austria – maybe we will organize an Online Conference!

Call for papers

Criteria for the choice of papers

We look for research papers that are directly related to the Conference Topic – Sharing & CaringEvery Child MattersThe place of Young people in our World.

We give preference to papers that can be presented in person. If there is sufficient interest for an online conference, we will organize and run it.

We are increasingly looking for young researchers (under 30 to 35).

Our goal is to directly apply the theory of your research to a practical implementation. Ideally, you will already have proposals for this.

IDEA AUSTRIA sees itself as a mentor for comprehensive education and training. All teachers should have the opportunity to receive training and further education in the methodology of Drama / Theater Education. By experiencing the effects of the methods themselves, they can also use it specifically in all subjects, all types of schools, all ages.

DEADLINE for submissions – 20th of December 2023
We are collecting your submission from now and we will get back to you with accurate feedback with the beginning of 2024. We will be happy to communicate with you if there are any questions. You will find the contact details on our website (

Please, tell us how long do you know IDEA AUSTRIA.

3 Replies to “CALL FOR PAPERS”

  1. Kommentar:
    Guten Tag! Dein Blog bietet eine Fülle von Ressourcen. Wie gehst du vor, um relevante und qualitativ hochwertige Quellen zu finden? Gibt es bestimmte Plattformen oder Methoden, die du für die Recherche und Sammlung von Informationen bevorzugst?

  2. Guten Tag, ich wollte nachfragen, ob man noch an dem Call for paper teilnehmen kann.
    Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Antwort, frohes neues Jahr und herzliche Grüsse

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