News about travelling

#1 – Which train will bring you to the Conference Venue?

Use OEBB Scotty – to plan your voyage / in English availabe

If you come by train ÖBB – leave at MEIDLING.
If you come by train – WESTBAHN – leave at HÜTTELDORF, take U4 to LANDSTRASSE. If you need connection for that, please ask for a special time-table for you!

MEIDLING to RETZ – you do NOT need to change any more! Please, get your ticket!
Sorry, there is no English Translation for the time-tables!



If you arrive by aeroplane at VIENNA AIRPORT (VIE), you do not need to go to MAIN STATION.
Look at all the possibilities you have!
You reach RENNWEG or WIEN MITTE-LANDSTRASSE or WIEN FLORIDSDORF to change (the individual schedule tells you where to change). From then direction to RETZ, MAIN STATION

Get your ticket at the airport!

Sorry, there is no English Translation for the time-tables!



#2 – How to get a ticket from the ticket machine?

Ticket machines in every train station available. Different prices because of starting from different places. Most important – button at the bottom / left side – there you find STEP BY STEP questions!

#3 – How to reach the Conference Venue?

Please, follow the video; it is the shortest way to reach the Conference Venue. About 10 minutes to walk!
And you will pass some beautiful places –

Do you find the Bycycle Museum? Do you find the Book shop?

Any question?

Do not hesitate to ask!

5 Replies to “News about travelling”

  1. I was there – and it was great. You already could read my feedback which totally was true – and I hope you liked my words about the need of Drama in Education in schools all over the world. I did not comment all of your postings – but NOW I want to tell you that your travelling information is absolutely fantastic. Never had that much information. Sustainability can work with that! THANK YOU ONCE MORE!

  2. I think it is very, very important that you have made this entry. There are now protection concepts and handouts for children and young people on how to work in parks. That is good and important. Adults can take more responsibility for themselves, their actions and more – but in some areas they may not know enough about what is expected of them.

    So I can prepare myself and think things through. I am aware of what to expect. Also and above all in a positive sense. Thank you, dear IDEA AUSTRIA team, this really is a wonderful innovation!

    1. Thank you very much for your detailed feedback! Very appreciated!
      But – should also be int the BLOG entry for „Concept of Prevention“

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