13 Replies to “drama in education conference program (short version) ….. 26th – 27th of March 2021”

    1. Thank you, dear Elis, for your nice comment. We really appreciate! Yes, we agree that € 20,- is just a symbolic amount. We are so happy that a lot of people are interested. Please, be fast for nomination of the workshops – there are only few places. Best!
      idea austria team

  1. I have some questions:
    Is the workshop twice a day or do I have to decide? Who will give the workshops??

  2. Your blog post is very good!
    My chef asked me to go to the conference to get now experience and new theatre teachers. That’s why I am asking for more. Can you please send me the list of all participants?

    1. we hope you will be satisfied afterwards … please, let us know what you are thinking about the conference!
      idea austria team

  3. Thank you very much for that program – so I can decide if I want to take part.
    Great – it is quite fair to only ask for € 20,- conference fee. I would recommend this to ma colleagues!
    Best Anna Katheria Sch,.

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