for your great interest and participation. We never had that much people! THE REGISTRATION NOW is closed!
for your great interest and participation. We never had that much people! THE REGISTRATION NOW is closed!
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DRAMA / THEATER IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2024 What do you get in the Conference Fee? ✔ Workshops / Groups of Special Interest – Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ✔ meet top speakers: NICOLA ABRAHAM (PH D, Royal School of Speech & Drama, Reading, UK); JOE WINSTON (PHD, University of Warwick, UK); KATRIN JANSER FORS (Theatre in …. Read More
d hoe1 commentsAktuellesour friends & colleagues
Come join us for the 2023 Drama in Education Days! Online September 15 and 16, 2023. Keynote by @Tony Goode.In-person October 28-30, 2023 in Uppsala, Sweden. Keynote workshops by Cecily O’Neill and Eva Österlind. You can submit an abstract for a paper or workshop for both events until May 15, 2023. Die Dramapädagogik-Tage laden ein! …. Read More
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In August 2023 you have the opportunity to participate in a five-day-workshop with David Diamond. Please, follow the information! Get more information for more information please look at SpectACT Website
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And if you have the impression that life is a theatre, then choose a role that you really enjoy. Willian Shakespeare (1549 – 1616) English Poet, Playwright, Actor and Thetare Director
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THREE QUESTIONS Are you DRAMA TEACHER or TUTOR in a school, in a youth club, or in adult education?Do you believe that drama is of value to EVERYONE?If so, the work of THE DRAMA BOARD will interest you?! WHO knows more about THE DRAMA BOARD? Is there someone in Austria who can tell us about …. Read More
IDEA betreibt Vernetzung mit dem Ziel, das theatrale Arbeiten in pädagogischen Kontexten zu verstärken und zu fördern. Alle Kinder, alle Jugendlichen, alle Erwachsenen sollen in den Genuss performativer Lehr- und Lernformen kommen.
IDEA Austria freut sich über Reaktionen und Interesse!