Concept of Prevention

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Educational work with the arts, the media of cultural education, is associated with particularchallenge when it comes to protection from abuse, violence or psychological injury. Similarto sport, in many artistic disciplines such as theater, dance or music, physical closeness, butalso an emotional opening of the participants is essential. This can involve risk situations andboundary violations. ….  Read More

Our Contribution to Sustainability

5 commentsAktuellesConference 2024neue Aktivitäten

PLEASE BE AWARE OF17 SDG – Sustainable Development Goals —————————————————————————————————————— We had a lot of thoughts and discussion about sustainability.We agree that this topic becomes more and more necessary even in cultural events.We kindly ask all of you participants and trainers and presenters to follow our thoughts and make this event also successful ….  Read More

DRAMA / THEATER in EDUCATION – Regional Conference 2024 – Sharing & Caring – every child matters … the place of young people in the world

26 commentsConference 2024neue Aktivitätenworkload IDEA AUSTRIA

DRAMA / THEATER IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2024 Althof Retz, Retz, Lower Austria SHARING & CARING …every child matters!“ – the place of young people in the world Sharing & Caring – every child matters Young people – children, adolescents and young adults realize that their world is no longer secure. This can make them angry ….  Read More

Sharing & Caring – Regional Conference 2024:

19 commentsAktuellesConference 2024neue Aktivitätenworkload IDEA AUSTRIA

DRAMA / THEATER IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2024 What do you get in the Conference Fee? ✔ Workshops / Groups of Special Interest – Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ✔ meet top speakers: NICOLA ABRAHAM (PH D, Royal School of Speech & Drama, Reading, UK); JOE WINSTON (PHD, University of Warwick, UK); KATRIN JANSER FORS (Theatre in ….  Read More


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Kremsmünster / OÖ ÖBV THEATER – Landesverband Oberösterreich The Festival 2023 war very successful see the article here Das 4. Jugendtheaterfestival findet vom 31. Mai bis 3. Juni 2023 in Kremsmünster (OÖ) statt. 10 Gruppen aus 4 Ländern werden daran teilnehmen. Wir dürfen uns wieder auf tolle Produktionen der Jugend freuen. Bitte Kartenreservierung vornehmen! Nähere ….  Read More


3 commentsAktuellesour friends & colleagues

Theaterpädagogische Zugänge nutzen das Potenzial von darstellerischen und ästhetischen Methoden, um Themen, Fragen und Anliegen anschaulich werden zu lassen. Sie erlauben einen Blick hinter die Kulissen, beleuchten größere Zusammenhänge genauso wie Details und erlauben eine Analyse der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart sowie Entwürfe für die Zukunft. Ausdruck findenMenschen entwickeln seit jeher im Theater die Fähigkeit, Ausdruck ….  Read More