Sharing & Caring – Regional Conference 2024:


What do you get in the Conference Fee?

Workshops / Groups of Special Interest – Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

meet top speakers: NICOLA ABRAHAM (PH D, Royal School of Speech & Drama, Reading, UK); JOE WINSTON (PHD, University of Warwick, UK); KATRIN JANSER FORS (Theatre in Turgi, president of EDERED Encounter; Organizer of Children & Youth Festival Turgi, CH)

meet top speakers in Special Interest Groups

SURPRISE WORKSHOP on Wednesday Morning


ADDITIONAL PROGRAM: best practice, project presentations (marketplace)

EVENING EVENTS (requested): Walk through the wine cellars, Night-Watchman tour, Weinviertel wine tasting, Theatre Play Attendance

Project Presentations / RESEARCH – ANNIVERYARY

50 YEARS OF DRAMA IN EDUCATION IN AUSTRIA – Participation in Conference Dinner, Ceremony on Saturday morning

GROUPS OF SPECIAL INTEREST on Saturday afternoon

OPENING EVENING Friday: Conference Dinner (We will entertain you!)

professional information and exchange

personal exchange in an informal setting / SOCIALIZING

let’s GET TOGETHER with a glass of vine – national and international audience / let’s create friedship – let’s talk about new projects

DOCUMENTATION – digital final report;

BOOKSHOP (requested)

interactive design of the opening conference dinner (Friday)

moderation and support by IDEA TEAM

UNESCO Sustainability Goals – please, look at our concept

Sustainablility Concept Certification (request)

 ✔ EXHIBITION (request)

Confirmation of Participation

for Austrian Teachers:

This event is an official training (OFFIZIELL ANRECHENBARE FORTBILDUNG) from University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE NIEDERÖSTERREICH)

Confirmation of Participation maybe can help you for refunding training, travelling and/or accomodation. Depends on your type of school (SCHULFORM), the federal state (BUNDESLAND) and the principal management (DIREKTION).

Bitte, nehmen Sie diesbezüglich so rasch als möglich Kontakt zu Ihrer Schulleitung auf.

Please, look for detailed fees on ÖBV THEATER Website (registration) and on IDEA AUSTRIA Website (BLOG)

Registration Deadline: two weeks before the Conference starts. (8th of March, 2024)

Sustainability Concept

Look at the BLOG Entry!


19 Replies to “Sharing & Caring – Regional Conference 2024:”

  1. i would like to buy books about drama pedagogy there, at the event, Maike Plath. What does bookshop (requested ) mean ?

    1. Dear Language Center, we have asked a bookstore if they will organize a book table.
      You should be able to buy some books for Drama in Education and more.

  2. I need some help, I would like to travel to Vienna, where is this conference venue? can I use public transport or do I get picked up somewhere?

  3. Ich bin keine Lehrerin; gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass ich unterstützt werde. Ich bin freiberufliche Theaterpädagaogin und derzeit arbeitslos. In Deutschland, nahe Bonn. Mögicherweise wird mir demnächst etwas angeboten, aber ich kann es nicht voraussehen. Danke euch! Wiebke T.

    1. Liebe Wiebke, arbeitslose Theaterpädagog*innen können ein Ansuchen schicken,
      dann werden wir versuchen, eine Teilnahme zu ermöglichen. Bitte aber nimm zur Kenntnis, dass wir nicht unbegrenzt
      stark vergünstigte Teilnahmemöglichkeiten haben. Wir freuen uns über dein Interesse.

  4. Ich finde es sehr beachtlich, was alles angeboten wird. Das sieht nach einer vielfältigen Konferenz aus. ich bin LEhrer mit Schwerpunkt NAturwissenschaften und habe erst vor kurzem entdeckt, welche Methoden das Theater bietet. Freue mich auf März! Wolfgang

    1. Dear Eliza, we have to thank you for your emtional comment. Your registration is appreciated. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask! See you soon!
      idea austria team

    1. Dear Eliza, sustainability is totally important for us. Thanks for your interest;
      thanks for careful watching!
      idea auStria team

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