We have to renew DRAMA IN EDUCATION organisation – please keep 26th and 27th of March, 2021 in mind –

We soon will have the new program here.

Conference Fee will be very very very low.

What a pleasure to have you in!

10 Replies to “We have to renew DRAMA IN EDUCATION organisation – please keep 26th and 27th of March, 2021 in mind –”

    1. this is similar to a webinar, but you can expect lot of pracical work beneath theatretical aspects and networking as much as can be!
      More questions??

      idea austria team

  1. Ich bin trotzdem dabei, habe mich schon registriert und freue mich. Nächstes Jahr im Präsenzmeeting? Oder erst in zwei Jahren? Beste Grüße, Peter

  2. Dear idea austria team; thanks for information, I was wondering if you were able to meet in person. A surely will be participating in the meeting. Should I register at the link? Where is the link? anna katharina willberg

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